The Wooster Hope Center recently received a $100,000 matching donation from someone who wishes to remain anonymous. For every dollar donated during October, November and December, the benefactor will match it. So, if you can give $10, it is really worth $20. If you give $100, then it becomes $200.

photo of richard frazier and tony
Pastor Rich and Tony at the Wooster Hope Center

Because of the generosity of the donor, Executive Director Richard Frazier is asking everyone to please consider a gift as 2019 draws to a close in order to further the work the organization does through the Greater Wayne County Food Pantry, the Hygiene Pantry, as well as food pantries at the University of Akron Wayne College and in Fredericksburg.

With the news, Kristin Hohman, a reporter for The Daily Record, visited the Wooster Hope Center Wednesday to speak with Pastor Rich, Pantry and Operations Manager Wendy Liebhart and others, including Tony Cowling, one of the clients. Cowling was deemed to be disabled and after working his entire life, he could no longer work. He is grateful for the help he receives from the Greater Wayne County Food Pantry. You can read her story here.

We would appreciate a donation of any amount, and you can do it through PayPal. Every donation helps and shows #loveforwaynecounty.

Pastor Rich spoke about the donation as part of a 30-minute podcast, which has not yet been posted. However, you can listen to him elaborate more about the donation in this excerpt from the podcast:


Here is the entire podcast, in which Pastor Rich talks about how the Wooster Hope Center got its start (spoiler alert: It wasn’t a food pantry); the importance of volunteers; the donation; the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank and other partners; and how you can help.


Remember, if you would like to double the impact of your donation by taking advantage of the matching donation, then you can do so through PayPal.

Send a secure payment

Every donation helps and shows #loveforwaynecounty.

Send a check

Make check made payable to Wooster Hope Center, and send it to: Wooster Hope Center, PO Box 1204, Wooster OH 44691