The Wooster Hope Center changed the day of the month it offers personal hygiene products through its hygiene pantry. Since June 2018, area residents have been able to pick up hygiene items, like toothpaste and soap,  from 8:30-11:30 a.m. on the first Monday of the month at the Wooster Hope Center, 807 Spruce St. Free haircuts are also on the first Monday of the month.

hygiene pantry offers toothbrushes and toothpaste

Hygiene Pantry

The Wooster Hope Center has been offering personal hygiene products to its clients since 2011. Each month, people who come to the hygiene pantry can select up to five items from a list of about 15. Here are the kinds of items offered:


People who need hygiene products do not need an appointment, they can just show up at the hygiene pantry between 8:30-11:30 a.m. on the first Monday of the month. However, those who want a haircut will need to have an appointment. Pastor Rich Frazier, executive director of the Wooster Hope Center, said people will need to schedule an appointment for a haircut a week beforehand. The number to call is (330) 683-2242, Option 2.

wooster hope hygiene pantry also offers haircuts

Pastor Rich also said barber Don Sax will be coming back. Don helped the Wooster Hope Center get the haircuts service off the ground before taking some time off. Nancy Flinner stepped up and provided the haircuts for the past five years.

“We appreciate the time, dedication, talent and sharing from the barbers like Don and Nancy who have made this a successful service to the community,” Pastor Rich said.

Donations and volunteers

The Wooster Hope Center is able to do what it does because of tremendous support from individuals, groups, organizations, churches, and businesses. They help us out not only by donating money for our Greater Wayne County Food Pantry, Backpack Program and other services, but they also donate their time and serve others.

As the summer approaches, families go on vacations and college students go home. So, the Wooster Hope Center could use extra help. Check out how you can donate by clicking here. Or, call our Pantry Manager Wendy Liebhart at (330) 683-2242, Option 2.

Thank you for helping us with our fight on hunger in Wayne County.