Wooster Hope Center Mobile Food Pantry Launches June 10 in Rittman

RITTMAN – The Wooster Hope Center’s mobile food pantry officially launches Friday, June 10, when it will hand out large boxes of food to area residents at Anchor Heating, Air… Continue reading Wooster Hope Center Mobile Food Pantry Launches June 10 in Rittman

Wooster Hope Center Receives $40,000 Matching Grant

WOOSTER — The Wooster Hope Center received a $40,000 matching grant from an anonymous local donor, and the donations will be used to expand its scope of services and the… Continue reading Wooster Hope Center Receives $40,000 Matching Grant

Podcast: Hope Center receives $75,000 matching grant

The Wooster Hope Center received a $75,000 matching grant from an anonymous local donor. For every dollar donated to the Wooster Hope Center during October, November, and December, the benefactor will… Continue reading Podcast: Hope Center receives $75,000 matching grant

Podcast: Wooster Hope Center Receives $100,000 Matching Donation Challenge

Pastor Rich and Tony at the Wooster Hope Center

The Wooster Hope Center recently received a $100,000 matching donation from someone who wishes to remain anonymous. For every dollar donated during October, November and December, the benefactor will match… Continue reading Podcast: Wooster Hope Center Receives $100,000 Matching Donation Challenge

Wooster Hope Center Volunteers Come From Near and Far

Wendy Liebhart gathered a group of volunteers together one recent Thursday night shortly before the Greater Wayne County Food Pantry opened to the public. The pantry manager let the volunteers… Continue reading Wooster Hope Center Volunteers Come From Near and Far